An Adventurer's Heart- a LitRPG Adventure Page 16
And yet… And yet.
“Daniel?” Khy’ra walks into the room, pulling her robe closed as she turns to his moonlight-silhouetted form. Seeing her, an involuntary smile crosses Daniel’s face, his face lightening. He holds a hand out, and she takes it, sliding onto his legs with ease as he hugs her to him. She bends down, trading a kiss before she murmurs, “Problems?”
“Just… thinking,” Daniel answers and hugs her again, resting his head on her shoulder. Khy’ra nods slightly, staying quiet till Daniel breaks the silence himself. “I was thinking about the guilds again.”
“Oh,” her reply is soft as Khy’ra struggles to keep her tone neutral. She knew this day had to come, but still…
“I just, it makes sense you know?” he says plaintively. “There’s so much to gain from it. I’m doing okay right now, doing good, but… it makes sense!”
“Mmmhmmm,” Khy’ra replies, biting her lip in the dark to not add anything.
“I just…” He hugs her again, staring into the dark. “I wanted to be an Adventurer ever since I was a kid you know. I heard all the stories, remembered all the names. Going into the deepest Dungeons, fighting the hardest monsters, being the best and keeping everyone safe. It was what heroes did.
“And I can do that. I have to do that with a guild. No hero ever grows without a guild, a strong party beside him. I know that. But…” Daniel shakes his head, whispering the last. “I don’t want to go.”
“Because you’re scared?” Khy’ra turns, meeting Daniel’s eyes at last. “Or because you’re comfortable?”
“I’m… happy,” Daniel answers her after some thought, his lips twisting crookedly. “I’m happy, learning with you and Asin. Fighting my way through slowly. I hate questing, but even then, when we are done, it’s so satisfying.”
“Then that’s your answer,” Khy’ra says.
“Daniel. A word of advice from an old… Adventurer,” Khy’ra says, smiling slightly. “When you look back at your life, it’s not the stories that you remember. Or the Dungeons you visit or the monsters you vanquish. It’s your friends and your struggles. You have time. Time to join a guild. Time to get better. I know it doesn’t seem like that, but you do have time. Enjoy it while you can.”
Slowly nodding, Daniel leans against her. A small part of him still wonders if this is the right choice, but… he was happy. Was that not what everyone truly wanted? Even if he had to leave, perhaps he could be happy here for a little longer.
Bursting through his clinic door, the messenger pant as he catches his breath before he announces his news, “It’s open!”
Daniel opens his mouth and then shuts it, his eyes lighting up with excitement. He glances at his latest patient and then casts Minor Healing, the open cut on her hand stitching close as Daniel grins, grabbing his cloak from the coat hanger. As he hurries out, he looks to the receptionist who laughs, waving Daniel away. She understands she cannot stop him. After all, everyone here was a volunteer.
As he runs along, Daniel finds himself joining a stream of other interested parties. He notices other Adventurers, of course, on-sight, but there are numerous other citizens who hurry along. Nearly three weeks of having the town’s biggest income earner being shut down has hurt the livelihood of many, and so, the interest is not unexpected.
As Daniel finally reaches the town square, he finds it already crowded. He growls slightly, unable to press forward or see anything. After a while, hushing noises are made, and the crowd slowly falls silent as the Guard Captain stands, shouting.
“The Dungeon is open. No one has been allowed in as yet. All Adventuring parties are to visit the Adventurer’s Guild to receive their entry number. Entry will be gated from tomorrow onwards. Now go home!”
As the word gets passed down, other guards start taking up the call, directing the crowd out of the town square. Questions are rebuffed, and slowly Daniel manages to make his way to the Guild Hall. As he nears, he spots a familiar figure crouched on top of a statue, licking the fur on her hand.
The Catkin stares and then waves, dropping down to meet him. Her grin widens as she meets Daniel’s excited gaze. The Dungeon was open!
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In addition, please check out my other LitRPG series:
- Life in the North; A LitRPG Apocalypse
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Tao Wong is an avid fantasy and sci-fi reader who spends his time working and writing in the North of Canada. He’s spent way too many years doing martial arts of many forms and having broken himself too often, now spends his time writing about fantasy worlds.
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