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An Adventurer's Heart- a LitRPG Adventure Page 12

  When Daniel awakens, he does so with the taste of a dead rat in his mouth. He coughs, pain shooting through his head as his tender temple rings. He whimpers, curling up slightly as pain washes over him, his vision shimmering in and out of focus. Staying silent, he concentrates on his Gift, pulling it from his core to search for the cause of his pain.

  Bruising on his face, a cracked skull and minor swelling in his brain from an incipient concussion were the main culprits. Better, much better than he had expected truth be told. Focusing, he lowers the swelling and stitches the skull back together with his Gift to give him relief from the pain before he begins to cast his Minor Healing spell to finish the job.

  As Daniel finally opens his eyes fully, he sees Asin squatting a short distance away watching over him. He shudders, remembering the sickening crack of wood on bone, the flash of pain and then, nothing.

  “You saved me,” Daniel says, working his mouth. “You used a healing potion, too, didn’t you?”

  Asin nods and then shrugs. Of course she did, they were partners. That was what they did after all.

  “Thanks,” Daniel says and stands, his body mostly healed. Fighting distracted on this level was a bad idea. Without a full set of heavier armor, any lucky blow could cause problems. Of course, getting a helmet would probably be a good idea, but Daniel was leery of spending the coin for it when he was going to get a full set of better armor soon.

  “Ready?” Asin growls and Daniel pauses, rubbing at the dried blood on his temple.

  “No… not really,” Daniel decides suddenly, shaking his head. “I’m sorry, perhaps we can try this on another day?”

  Asin nods. She was not sure what it was, but Daniel was obviously not all here today. Grimacing, she turns to pick her way back to the dungeon entrance. Ah well, she’ll head back up to the fifth floor by herself then. No reason to not earn more coin even if her partner was taking the day off.

  “Daniel!” Litzburn, the Master-of-Arms at the training grounds calls out in greeting, walking over to the young Adventurer as he enters. The large, ebony-skinned master-at-arms smiles at his former student, shaking Daniel’s hand with his own scarred, calloused one. “Are you here to train?”

  “Yes, I think so,” Daniel says.

  “That’s not a very sure answer.” Litzburn chuckles, running a hand over his bald scalp to clear some sweat. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing. Just, a lot on my mind.” Daniel shakes his head, glancing at the training weapons. “Maybe I’ll just work the bags for a bit.”

  “You’re always welcome here,” Litzburn says, waving goodbye to Daniel as he returns to his other students.

  Later, after Daniel has settled in, and Litzburn has watched the young man work the training posts desolutely, he walks over and taps Daniel on his shoulder. So lost in thought is the young Adventurer that he completely misses Litzburn’s approach. “Enough. You’re shaming me and yourself. You won’t learn anything but bad habits doing that.”

  Daniel’s lips twist, and he hangs his head, rubbing the back of his neck as he apologizes, “Sorry.”

  “Come. Let’s talk.” Waving to his sub-instructors to take over, he walks the young Adventurer to a nearby bench. The older man has quickly figured out the potential cause of the issue. “Problems with Khy’ra?”

  “Yes. No. Maybe,” Daniel answers immediately and then stops, collecting his thoughts properly. “It’s not just that. It’s… well, can I ask some advice?”


  Speaking hurriedly, Daniel blurts out the entire story of the guilds, of being asked, again and again, to join, of the potential benefits offered. He speaks fast, trying to get the story out and along the way, he mentions his issues with Khy’ra too, of how he cheated - but it wasn’t really cheating, except it was - and what happened. In the end, he runs down while Litzburn just nods. It is a good thing that Daniel speaks with his head down, for at times, Litzburn’s lips twitch and amusement dances in the older man’s eyes. Ah, the tragedies of youth.

  “I would not despair, I do not think that the Elf will cast you aside for such a matter. I believe your current predicament is punishment enough,” Litzburn says, lips twitching again before he continues. “I believe you will not make the same mistake again, no?”

  “Yes. Ummm… No? I won’t make that mistake again.” Daniel nods firmly. “It was stupid. And… Not that good.”

  “Mmm… You bed an Elf, young one. And one who I understand is still quite energetic between the sheets. I fear if you compare your future companions to her, you will be inevitably disappointed,” Litzburn replies and then claps him on the back. “At least technically. There is much to be said for passion though.”

  “Oh. Right.” Realizing what he is speaking about, Daniel flushes and looks down, suddenly uncomfortable. “Right.”

  “As for your problem with the guilds, few in this hall would find your circumstance a problem. Guilds rarely chase after melee fighters,” Litzburn waves his hand around the training hall where his students work hard to hone their abilities. “Still, that is little comfort for you. For myself, I joined the moment I could - though that was after I completed my own Beginner Dungeon. Mary, on the other hand, waited for many years before she did, preferring to adventure on her own.”

  “Mary has a guild?” Daniel perks up, remembering his earliest friend and the owner of the school he sits in.

  “Yes, but hers would not fit you. She joined the White Scales, and they only recruit Expert Adventurers and up,” Litzburn answers. “If you decide to join a guild, be sure to understand what they ask for and what is required to leave them. Each guild must register their charter and members with the Adventurer’s Guild itself, so it’s always best to speak with them directly.”

  “Thank you,” Daniel nods, standing up finally. Well, at least he had learned a little more, but mentioning the Guild reminded Daniel that there was another who he could ask for advice. “I think I’m done for the day.”

  “Yes, I certainly agree,” Litzburn chuckles, clapping the younger Adventurer on the back. “Come back another day. We still need to work on your form.”

  “Afternoon, Liev.” After standing in line, Daniel is finally able to speak with the scruffy, red-headed attendant.

  The middle-aged man looks up, rubbing at an ink splotch on his fingers absently. “Daniel. I see you are back. Did you just return?”

  “No, we arrived last night. I was hoping to speak with you?” Daniel gestures over to the tables to the side and Liev nods, waving one of the other attendants to take over his spot.

  “What is this about?’ Liev sits, noting the absence of Asin and wondering if there are issues with the pairing. It was after all not uncommon for adventuring parties to break up.

  Once again, Daniel speaks of his invitations to join the guilds, leaving out his issues with Khy’ra. He was still somewhat embarrassed he discussed the matter with Litzburn and was certainly not going to bring it up again, especially with Liev. After he is done, Liev sits silently, staring at the younger man and then sighs, fingers rubbing together again as he scrubs at the ink spot. “I’m sorry, Daniel. I should have informed you about them before you left.”

  “It’s fine,” Daniel says immediately.

  “No, I should have warned you. I knew local groups would want to work with you, but I had forgotten your generosity with your healing gifts. It was bound to attract attention on your travels,” Liev continues before shaking his head. “I should have warned you.”

  “Warned me?” Eyebrows lowering, Daniel squints at Liev as he considers the words.

  “Yes. The guilds that Adventurers make within ours, they are both a great help and a great hindrance,” Liev says. “We have had to forcefully disband more than one group, relieving the leaders of their membership and reassigning Adventurers. It is a lot of work because some can’t handle the power that such a group can provide. The benefits they speak of are true, but many groups also attempt to control their members qui
te firmly for these benefits.

  “I would have wanted you to avoid their attention for a while longer, but it is done. For now, I recommend you complete your current quest. Whatever your decision, being both more experienced and with better armor will stand you in better favor.”

  “Should I join one then? Litzburn suggested I do.”

  “Litzburn did well with his guild before he retired. Others haven’t been as lucky,” Liev answers immediately. “If I were you, I would not trust my ability to others, no matter how kind they seem.”

  A wry grin twists his face as Daniel nods. Right. His Gift. He had forgotten again how that could make things more difficult for him. “Thanks, Liev.”

  “It is a big decision, Daniel. Take your time making it,” Liev says, smiling and stands. “Now, if that is all…?”

  Daniel nods absently, letting the man leave as he falls back into thought. Neither of these men had helped him make a decision. Well, except perhaps about Khy’ra.

  “Daniel,” Khy’ra smiles slightly, having spoken only after watching as Daniel finishes wrapping up the cut on the carpenter’s arm. The carpenter bobs a head in thanks to both, heading out of the examination room to drop a coin in the donation jar.

  “Khy’ra,” Daniel answers, shifting slightly. Having nothing more to do and tired of thinking, he had come to the Clinic to work.

  “How are you?”

  “I’m… well.” Daniel rubs at his neck, extending a hand tentatively. Khy’ra crosses over, taking it and he smiles slightly, relaxing.

  “I’m... sorry,” said Daniel.

  “As I said, you have nothing to be sorry to me about. Your apology should be to yourself,” she says, leaning forwards and kissing him gently. “I just wanted you to think it over.”

  Daniel nods, “Yeah. I think I understand what you were saying.”

  “Good,” she smiles slightly, giving him a hug. “I just wanted to say hi. There’s still a lot of work to do. But we can speak, tonight?”

  “Tonight,” Daniel replies, smiling and returning the hug before reluctantly letting her go.

  “So, you’ve been approached by the guilds then. At least, they don’t know of your Gift,” Khy’ra says, looking up at him from his chest as they lie on her bed.

  “Yeah, Liev says it would be worst if they did,” Daniel answers. “It’s stupid really; it’s not as if I could use it during combat or something.”

  “Mmm…. You are too used to having it, Daniel. Having your party, your entire guild constantly in top shape? Not having to spend gold on potions? It would be a great help. Too many groups find themselves forced to either work partly injured or tired or spending large sums on potions. And on longer delves in more advanced dungeons? Your Gift would be a lifesaver,” Khy’ra says. “You have a lot of power here, a lot of leeways.”

  Daniel slowly nods, absently letting his hand run down her bare back, feeling the smooth skin under his fingers, “So you think I should join a guild?”

  “Mmm… I think you shouldn’t stop doing that. And that you should remember your earlier lesson.”

  Daniel pauses, hand hovering for a moment. Earlier lesson? Oh… As he begins to put it together, he finds his thoughts interrupted by soft lips. Right - some other things take precedence.


  “MORNING, ASIN.” DANIEL GREETS HIS friend, up bright and early and waiting at the Dungeon entrance. She nods in greeting, sniffs once and smiles slightly. Daniel sighs, realizing that his surprise had been given away by her superior senses. He reaches into his backpack, extracting the sandwich for the Catkin who devours the stacked bacon and ham delicacy.

  When she is finished, Daniel says, “I think we should focus on the seventh floor for now. Farm it for as much stone as we can. If we ask Liev for the conversion rate for the two B Grade stones for the smaller stones, we can focus on just getting the smaller stones. I think it’ll be safer for us rather than risking, well, deeper levels. What do you think?”

  Asin nods in agreement. Yesterday’s experience a stark reminder that while skill and tactics made a difference, they were both under-equipped and under-leveled. One small mistake could end in tragedy.

  Resolved, the pair head down once more to the seventh floor, intent on just farming the Ogres for their stones. No risky attacks, no pushing things. Slow and steady was what they would do.

  “Yahooo!” Screaming, the half-naked Adventurer runs ahead of the pair, throwing himself at a pair of Ogres the two had earlier targeted. Running behind him, his friends call out a quick apology as they overtake the two to back up their friend.

  “Hey!” Daniel grumbles, lowering his crossbow. Damn it. That was the second time that day that this group had stolen one of their kills.

  Asin chuffs out too in anger, her tail lashing sideways as she watches as the five adventurers split the Ogres. The half-naked warrior with the oversized sword takes on a single Ogre by himself while his friends work on the last, crippling and killing it quickly. They work smoothly together, constantly harrying and attacking the Ogre in such a way that the monster is never able to fully focus on any one of member.

  The half-naked warrior, on the other hand, is full of vigor with very little skill, quite willing to trade blow for blow with the Ogre. In fact, the Ogre seemed to be worse for wear as the Adventurer just shuddered slightly from each blow, a light red mist beginning to rise from his body as he was injured.

  “Go,” Asin says after a moment, shaking her head. They might as well move on, hoping to find another group. As annoying as it was, today had still been a decent day. Daniel nods, mentally gauging which direction to go from his minimap before walking forwards. There was a pair of small caves down this way that often held the floor Champion.

  The pair treks forward in silence, paying attention to both the ground and their surroundings. Asin still has to stop Daniel from walking into a hidden pit, chuffing in humor. At his excuse, she just wrinkles her nose, and Daniel edges around the trap, grumbling quietly to himself. Behind him, Asin smirks, though she knows that her friend is unable to smell the open earth beneath the layer of grass that covers the trap. Humans and their pitiful noses.

  As they near the caves, Asin’s ears begin to twitch. She moves forward quickly, overtaking Daniel as she scans the ground ahead of them for further traps now that she knows where to go. Soon enough, they spot the Ogre Champion himself and the chest behind him. Standing over eleven feet tall, the Ogre Champion is clad in leather armor and wears a pair of metal gauntlets that cover its arms. As they near, the Champion lets out a roar in challenge, rushing the pair.

  Daniel raises his crossbow, firing immediately and sinking the bolt into the creature’s torso. The blow does nothing to slow the monster even as Asin runs to the side, charging a knife with Piercing Shot as she runs. Throwing the knife, she immediately follows up with Fan of Knives as she releases another knife, focusing on buying time for Daniel to load and fire his crossbow again. The Ogre Champion refuses to be distracted though, catching the first knife on its gauntlet and ignoring the pair of knives that strike it subsequently as it bears down on Daniel.

  When it is within ten feet, it jumps and swings its fist, attempting to crush Daniel. Rather than blocking the monster, Daniel drops and rolls, abandoning his crossbow as he comes to his feet. Quickly equipping his shield and mace Daniel starts circling the monster, searching for an opening even as Asin continues to pelt the creature with knives.

  The Champion snarls, ignoring the annoying Catkin and the knives that sprout from its back as it jumps forward again, swinging a looping right fist and then following up almost immediately with a straight left. Daniel ducks the first and then is forced to put both shield and mace together to block the second, stumbling backward from the sheer strength of the blow. Even as he attempts to regain his footing, the Ogre steps forwards and leads again with a left, smashing Daniel’s hasty guard into him and sending him sprawling to the ground. As Daniel spits out blood from a cut in his mouth, he
struggles up to his feet, eyes sparking with restrained fear.

  As the Ogre steps forward, Asin’s bolo hits, wrapping around the creature’s legs. It jerks the Champion to a halt, forcing it to stumble as small lightning arcs jump between its legs. Asin immediately follows up with a Piercing Shot, the thrown knife plunging into the creature’s supporting limb and forcing the Ogre to the ground.

  Rolling quickly, Daniel just barely manages to avoid being crushed, the unwashed scent of the Champion crossing to his prone form. Kneeling, Daniel sees the elbow the Ogre is using to prop itself up, and he stands, triggering Perin’s Blow to smash the limb downwards into the ground. The blow cracks the elbow, forcing it to bend as it meets the ground and Daniel immediately attacks the arm again with another pair of Skill-aided strikes.

  Arm twitching, the Champion lashes out, catching Daniel in the side. The Adventurer twists his body, rolling with the blow as best he can. Woozy on his feet, Daniel is forced to cast a Minor Healing on himself as he patches himself up from the multiple heavy blows he has received.

  Rather than allowing the monster the chance to stand, Asin rushes forward while Daniel recovers and ducks in close to the Ogre, plunging knives into the back of the creature’s exposed thighs, attempting to hamstring the opponent. White sparks fly, and the Champion forcibly defecates itself as the electricity robs the Champion of its bodily functions. The unexpected attack forces Asin to flinch, assaulted as she is by the sudden noxious and unexpected onslaught. Distracted for a brief moment, she does not notice the leg barreling into her side until it is too late and she crashes into the ground, her arm breaking with the impact.

  The crippled Champion struggles to its knees, roaring in defiance as Daniel, fully recovered, rushes it. He ducks under the right jab that comes at him, jumping into the air and triggering a Shield Bash as he slams his shield right into the bridge of the Ogre’s nose. As the Ogre grips its shattered nose, Daniel throws his body into the next attack that lands against the monster’s temple to end the fight.